application Help
Help for your application…
Here is translated text for the questions in the application form
1. Last Name
2. First Name
3. DOB (day . month . year)
4. Marital Status
5. Your Location
City, Country
Type an address
7. Contact Tel:
(212) 123 4567
8. Contact Email:
11. Church Name:
12. Pastor Last Name
13. Pastor First Name
14. Pastor’s Tel:
(212) 123 4567
15. Pastor’s Email:
16. Type of AIM Applied:
17. Area of Service:
Where are you interested in serving?
18. Specific Area:
Do you have a specific country where you are interested in serving?
19. Active Ministries
20. Previous Ministries (if applicable):
21. Languages:
Please check any languages you speak (and to what degree)
22. Talents:
Please tell us about your talents that you think could be useful in any kind of ministry.
23. Ministry
27. Payment Status:
Please select which form of payment you have used.
28. Proof of Payment
Screenshot or receipt of your payment
Click to upload files, or drag & drop files here
29. Payment Amount:
Virtual AIM: €20, In-Person AIM: €40. Please enter amount paid.
30. Upload Files
If applicable, please upload any files that might help to support your application.
Click to upload files, or drag & drop files here
31. Social Media Platform
32. Social Media Handle(s)
33. Burden
Please share your burden for serving in the Kingdom of God.
34. Profile Image
If you would like to attach profile picture, please upload it here.

Virtual AIM
Applicants will serve online for a designated period of time to support needs across our region.

Onsite AIM
Applicants will serve in person for short term trips (mostly weekends) in local assemblies and for specific events or longer on site in a pre-approved location

Euro AIM On Missions
Applicants will serve onsite for a short term Missions Trip as part of Euro AIM Youth on Missions.

Please read and make yourself familiar with our Euro AIM Policy