This programme is designed for individuals who feel a burden to reach beyond the familiar and assist the work of God in their own nation, or further abroad. As Moses’s hands were lifted by Aaron and Hur to see great victory, our purpose is to lift up leaders and assemblies by facilitating your burden to meet needs across the Euro Region.

Are you living up to your God-given potential?
There is a generation arising on the foundation of a seed sown a millenia ago, when the Apostle Paul stepped foot in Philipi to bring the Apostolic message…
Or would you fall into the 80% of Christians sitting on (dormant) yet God given giftings?
A tree grown in the greenhouse will never achieve the depth and strength of the Mighty Oak forced to wrestle against the elements… so our faith without action will never achieve great things for God unless we grow deeper in Him and greater in our love and concern for the lost… nations are waiting…
What if there’s more?…….. You know you’ve been chosen but don’t know where to begin? How do I GO?
The tree will not grow unless it is exposed to the right soil, the seed cannot germinate without being planted, the plants cannot water themselves… in the same way, our potential cannot be achieved without some effort or action on our part..
Are you living up to your God-given potential?
There is a generation arising on the foundation of a seed sown a millenia ago, when the Apostle Paul stepped foot in Philipi to bring the Apostolic message…
Or would you fall into the 80% of Christians sitting on (dormant) yet God given giftings?
A tree grown in the greenhouse will never achieve the depth and strength of the Mighty Oak forced to wrestle against the elements… so our faith without action will never achieve great things for God unless we grow deeper in Him and greater in our love and concern for the lost… nations are waiting…
What if there’s more?…….. You know you’ve been chosen but don’t know where to begin? How do I GO?
The tree will not grow unless it is exposed to the right soil, the seed cannot germinate without being planted, the plants cannot water themselves… in the same way, our potential cannot be achieved without some effort or action on our part..

Virtual AIM
Applicants will serve online for a designated period of time to support needs across our region.

Short Term AIM
Applicants will serve in person for short term trips (mostly weekends) in local assemblies and for specific events.

Long Term AIM
Applicants will serve for a period of a month or longer on site in a pre-approved location.

Please read and make yourself familiar with our Euro AIM Policy!
Europe is on fire like never before, with five hour services, clearly people are hungry for God...
There is a generation arising on the foundation of a seed sown a millenia ago, when the Apostle Paul stepped foot in Philipi to bring the Apostolic message…
We dance, we sing, we attend all the conferences... but what if there's more?
We wrestle not against flesh & blood but against contact forms, backlinks & digital hosts in blue places.
In other words, let us not underestimate the potential threat the EuroAim endeavour poses to the kingdom of darkness and many of these setbacks only attest to that fact.
So let us not get weary in well doing, for in due time we shall reap.. !!
God cannot answer a prayer He's already answered... "What should I do?" "Can I use my gifting?" "Should I go?" Scripture is clear... GO YE..
The tree will not grow unless it is exposed to the right soil, the seed cannot germinate without being planted, the plants cannot water themselves.. in the same way, our potential cannot be achieved without some effort or action on our part..

Blog Articles
SEO Strategy
Information architecture
Active AIMers
Nations in the Euro Region
AIM Opportunities
Cups of Coffee
Make Your Content a Priority.
I certainly will.
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